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created by SatinPeriwinkle
6.94/10 over 51 votes

Hmm... so I'm supposed to let go of my inhibitions and facades? Well I think thats why I started this journal, I don't want anyone I know to read it, it's for me and faceless users to see only. I'm insecure, pretty sad, trying so hard to figure out my purpose. I try to keep a positive mental attitude, but with every day that passes it becomes increasingly difficult. I've always been pretty good at hiding my pain, but with every day that passes, it's getting hard to hide as well. I have back problems and I think it would be accurate to say i think about my back every.. maybe half hour?? At least it crosses my mind that often, it affects everything I do. I'm scared of letting people in now because it seems that the second I trust anyone and really find myself deeply caring for them I get hurt, and I'm sick of it because its the deepest pain I've ever expirenced. It takes me awhile to let people in too.. which is why it hurts so much after I do and get dissapointed. Thats why I don't really want a relationship.. the pain that comes along is so great and destructive. Honestly at this point my only true goal in life is to be happy. It's as simple as that. I want to have fun in the process though, and I do. I try to be as peaceful as I can, I don't like starting fights or arguing with people. I am as kind as I can be to people unless I have reason to act otherwise.
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