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created by nightwing62@yah
4.05/10 over 264 votes


The darkness of night
Clouds hide the moonlight
The howl of a distant beast
As the moonlight piece
The dark clouds disappear
The full moon pale in fear
For the woodlands deer
I see in a dreamlike trance
In my nakedness I dance
Like a wild beast I ran
I sense my prey near
Its eyes full of fear
As the full moon clear
I crawl to my prey near
I pounce snap its neck
With ivory teeth now red
With its flesh like sweet bread
I look up to the full moon ahead
And I howl as the moon turn red

I woke up in my own bed
As my lover’s body ’s stirs
As the light of dawn burst
A new day begins my curse
As music play the day away
To soothe the beast some say
As the last light of dusk fade away
The full moon pale and grey
My pain evoke my beast within
As the distant moon bring
A howl echoes the man I was
Now a beast in the city lost
To hunt my prey in this jungle
Concrete made, my sense tingle
My prey, my hunt, my meat to kill
As I bring him down with a trill
My hearts beat as I rip my meat
His screams dim as I feast the sweet
I ate his still beating heart bled
As I howl the full moon turn red
As the night turns
Another day’s curse returns
As nightmares comes in dreams
My head burst of my victims,
My nightly feed, my curse
To stay undead they remain
In limbo, till I am dead
As I woke from my bed,
My lover came to stay
To take the pain away,
As she lay on my bed
To make love as I ravage her
Like a frenzy beast I fed
Now fear overcame my faith,
For my lover to stay
She might be my next prey,
So I beg her to go away
As I gave her my gun
With silver bullets could slay
This curse will break
By one true love to take my life
On the last full moon
Tonight I awake the beast within
For more lives I will take
As the sun sets
I lock my lover’s room
As full moon breaks
The clouds I am doom
As the pain it aggravates,
My human soul tears away
Only in the light
Of a full moon a beast remains
I sniff, growl and howl
For my meal is near
Her blood, I smell her fear,
As I face my lover
With rage my eyes follows her
As the gun I gave her
As I dance in the pale moon light
To torment my lover
As her heartbeats embrace
The truth I said I love her
Maybe I sense her love
For I did hesitate to kill her
As I shake my head
To rid this feeling stirs
In my heart she stayed,
This pain, love hurts
As the feeling blurred,
I went for my lover throat
Only sound I heard
Six rounds I felt cold
As the bullets piece
My body falls to the floor
As the moon is covered
By the darkening clouds
I lay naked on the floor
Beside my lover, tears fall
As the moonlight piece
My heart, my soul soars
For the curse is over
But the full moon
She will call another,
As the full moon appears
My lover’s tears fall
Her pain pierces her body change,
My curse it ends,
My lover it begins
The full moon she calls,
A howl echoes in the city below,
The she wolf reigns
As my lover stalks the city,
Her hunger craves for
The next kill she waits
Under the full moon
Its pale light bleeds crimson red


The twilight hour is at hand
The crimson sky the sun sets
Into a watery grave
A pale moon rising turns blood red
A howl breaks the silent night
A wolf howls silhouette shape
Against the moonlight gaze
As I walk thru this way
Thru the catacombs that lay
The graves and bones decay
Upon the shadows that play
Under the light of the crimson moon
Look beautiful beneath my tomb
The crimson moon mesmerize
It is calling me
To rise from my sleep
To fulfill my hunger
To quench my thirst
This moon that bled
That day I made a pact
A distant memory came
Of my curse fate that cannot rest
With the devil a game of chess
I checkmate Satan’s queen fell
As the pale moon bled red
An immortal life I asked to lead
The dark prince of lies smiled
For a good loser he is not
As his cigarette burns out
So did my mortal life
He checkmate my soul
Gave me my immortality
A curse to live this way
To sleep in the day
As the pale moon turns red
I become a monster that craves
Blood of the living
To nourish the immortal dead
To dance under the crimson moon
With the devil laughing
All the way to hell
With my soul in his hand
As the crimson moon dwells
Upon the graves I felt
My personal hell waits
For eternity I seek
Redemption as I face god
A silent god, cold
Like the stone from
Which his image is made
My anger raze inside
As I walk away like
A hundred years passed
Alone hunter under the crimson moon
Rising over the valley of the dead
For they shall fear my evil raze
As I kissed their mortality fade away
With serpent fangs cuts deep within
As I drain their last blood drops
Upon the pale moon turns red
As their bodies fell hard
Upon the cold floor, a thud
I walk away in the mist
That came to hide my faith
As the crimson moon fell
In to its watery grave
As the dawn light kissed
The darkest sky blushed red
As I walk to my bed, my crypt
And lie in my velvet darkness came
To shut the light of the day
Till night comes with
The crimson moon to rise again
To bring me to quench my hunger
In the streets of man linger
In the light that the crimson moon
Cast my shadow upon their faith
To take them closer to hell’s gate
In a cycle that will never end my faith
On this hell on earth, my damnation laid
Upon crimson moon rising in twilight feed
My immortal soul to damnation lead

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