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vitamins & minerals
energy levels
improving moods
food pyramid guidelines
"Antioxidant" is a classification of several organic substances, including vitamins C and E, vitamin A (which is converted from beta-carotene), selenium (a mineral), and a group known as the carotenoids. Carotenoids, of which beta- carotene is the most popular, are a pigment that adds color to many fruits and vegetables -- without them, carrots wouldn't be orange, for example. Together as antioxidants, these substances are thought to be effective in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

At the molecular and cellular levels, antioxidants serve to deactivate certain particles called free radicals. In humans, free radicals usually come in the form of O2, the oxygen molecule. The oxygen molecule wants to be oxidized (remember that stuff from your chemistry class?), and this oxidation process can sometimes be carcinogenic. Free radicals are the natural by-products of many processes within and among cells. They are also created by exposure to various environmental factors, tobacco smoke and radiation, for instance.

If allowed to go their merry way, these free radicals can cause damage to cell walls, certain cell structures, and genetic material within the cells. In the worst case scenario and over a long time period, such damage can become irreversible and lead to disease (e.g., cancer). This is where antioxidants come into play.

Antioxidants play the housekeeper's role, "mopping up" free radicals before they get a chance to do harm in your body. Researchers have postulated that antioxidants prevent the possible carcinogenic effects of oxidation. Despite numerous studies carried out on the role of antioxidants in cancer and heart disease prevention, the jury is still out as to which groups of people, if any, benefit from taking antioxidant supplements.

It is believed that the foods highest in antioxidants (and absorbtion by your body) are:
- prunes
- raisins
- strawberries
- blueberries
- kale
- spinach
vitamins & minerals
Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health. They are found in a variety of foods. A good way to meet your needs is to eat a well balanced diet with a wide variety of foods.

Why can't you just continue eating the way you have been and just take a supplement to get all these essential vitamins and minerals?

Each type of food contains certain combinations of vitamins and minerals which work best together, and are often absorbed better with the enzymes contained in those foods. Taking too much of one vitamin or mineral can actually hinder the absorption of another.
energy levels
It's 3 p.m. Your mind is wandering and your productivity has come to a grinding halt. If you're like most people, that means it's time to reach for a cup of coffee or a candy bar to give you some extra oomph before quitting time. But quick-fix solutions such as caffeine and sugar ultimately deplete your energy rather than enhance it; the former can leave you feeling jittery (and interfere with needed sleep later on), while the latter can lead to a post-sugar-high crash. Try these healthful pick-me-ups instead:

Bananas and Watermelon
These fruit faves rev up energy as fast as sugary sweets do. In fact, ripe bananas rate almost as high as table sugar on the energy-upping index. But unlike sugar, fresh fruit gives you a stamina boost plus the nutritional benefits of fiber, vitamins and minerals. An added bonus is that there's no food quite as portable as a banana. Since watermelon can be a bit messy to eat at your desk, cut some into chunks the night before and stash in a plastic container. (Dates, mangoes, papaya and pineapple also rank high on the energy-revving scale.)

Carrots and Potatoes
Just like sugary snacks and soft drinks, carrots and potatoes can up your blood sugar to an all-time high. In fact, mashed and baked potatoes are on a par with pure honey when it comes to how quickly they're digested and absorbed into your bloodstream. But unlike junk food, these good-for-you eats supply a host of important nutrients (such as vitamins A and C, folic acid and potassium) along with that energy blast. Keep a bag of baby carrots in your desk drawer and you'll be less likely to make an afternoon trip to the vending machine.

Cornflakes and Shredded Wheat
Even without added sugar, wholesome cereals such as muesli, corn flakes, instant oatmeal, puffed rice and shredded wheat top the list of breakfast foods that provide quick energy. These morning eats tend to be digested slowly, which means that blood sugar levels stay stable. Adding skim milk and fruit to the mix helps produce a slow but steady release of glucose into the bloodstream to fuel your muscles and brain throughout the day.

If you're not drinking at least eight cups of water a day, especially in warm weather or if you work out regularly, you're setting yourself up for dehydration and lagging energy. Don't wait until you feel parched to fill your glass: At that point, your body is already suffering. Make a habit of setting a full glass of water on your desk all day long.
* Skimping on the necessities. Lack of sleep, exercise and good nutrition are the biggest energy-drainers in most people's lives.
* Eating meat, poultry and eggs. They're all rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps induce sleep. So go light on these eats early in the day.
* Gulping caffeine. Coffee, tea and diet colas are stimulating, but they don't provide carbohydrate calories, which are the source of true energy. If you rely on caffeine for energy, you'll soon find yourself running on empty.
* Snacking on sugary treats. Sugar gives you instant energy that fades super-fast.
* Gorging on big meals. You'll exhaust yourself trying to digest all that food. Instead, eat small amounts of food more often.
naturally improve your mood or cope with depression
Depression is not caused by a poor diet, but a link between food and mood can exist. Sometimes the question is: "Which came first? The chicken (depression) or the egg (poor diet)?" We know poor diets often result from depression. When one becomes depressed, energy level and drive are much lower than usual. Enthusiasm for most things, including meals, is lost. Healthy eating practices can suffer as a result. Undesirable weight loss or weight gain, inadequate vitamin and mineral intakes, and alcohol excess are too often associated with depression. Most at risk are elderly adults, those who live alone
and those who lack good social support to help encourage eating despite a poor appetite.

Can depression be worsened as a result of some aspects of diet? Questions have been asked and research has begun to help us better understand relationships. For example, it is observed that depressed people often crave carbohydrate foods. Carbohydrate is known to effect the production of seratonin, a chemical in the brain which effects mood. What is the link? We also know that certain vitamin deficiencies are associated with depression.

Might a vitamin deficiency be the primary cause of some depressions? Not all the answers on diet and depression are in. But, while research continues, there are some areas of your diet that you can work on now. Each of the diet recommendations below are consistent with good health, but may also help improve symptoms of low energy and mood depressions.

A good diet may not cure depression, but will often help it. A poor diet can worsen or aggravate a depression, intensifying its physical and emotional effect. Recovery can be aided by a good diet which includes eating at regular meal times, selecting foods rich in B vitamins, eating more naturally-occuring carbohydrates, limiting caffeine and avoiding alcohol. Vitamin-mineral supplementation may be helpful to insure 100% of the B Vitamin complex and Vitamin D are provided, especially if appetite is poor. Water is helpful for constipation and dry mouth side effects of medications, as well as to optimize overall energy levels.

What To Eat
Like all healthy Americans, people with depression should eat at least 60% of calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, milk, beans, grains and cereals. It's interesting to note that those foods are often excellent sources of the B Complex of Vitamins. Some B vitamin deficiencies have been linked to depression, and it is important to obtain an adequate amount of these vitamins everyday. Following a few dietary guidelines can help people with depression promote a more positive mood.

When To Eat
Carbohydrate promotes sleep. Protein promotes alertness. Eating a carbohydrate-rich, low protein meal at the end of the day may help bring about a better night's sleep. Try eating most of your protein at your breakfast and lunch meals, or with your daytime snacks. To create a sense of calm and promote sleepiness, try to eat more of your carbohydrates toward the end of the day. View the menu sample which illustrates this principle.
the food pyramid guidelines
As published by the U. S. National Agricultural Library...
food guide pyramid
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