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created by nightwing62@yah
6.63/10 over 126 votes


Archangel was he, banish for vanity
Morning Star for brightest light be
God’s anger he did awake from man first
In Eden he created from dust birth
In defiance man shall rule the earth
This angel most beautiful by far
From morning star to falling star
Curse to rule hell’s fiery depth
This place his fiery prison kept
On his fiery throne, Archangel’s shame
The forsaken one now named
Satan the devil, serpents raze
In the land this dark angel reign
Torment souls in Dante’s inferno
Desolate and dammed endless flame
Evil man and sinful shall claim
This land where the dark angel reign
Defiance till the end, bring the fall of man
God destroys all save his favorite few send
It’s not fair for he has not killed men
Only lie and inspire to condemn
Put malice and sin in their hearts tempt
But god killed men by water and fire raze
For the reason of man’s defiance raise
Dark angel did claim in his lying gaze
The dark angel prince of lies and fame
Walks in land that man rule not him blame
God to give man to reign and him eternal flame
Now these souls of man he burns and torment
In flames of hell dark angel’s revenge condemn
Man’s dark deeds 7 deadly sins six feet deep
Of gluttony, sloth and envy, Satan will keep
Wraith, lust pride and greed in flames reap
Man last temptation, Adam’s folly, Eve’s vanity lead
Cain ‘s first murderer be, the dark angel handy deed
God’s wraith banishment from heaven skies made
Morning star wings of white he does forsake
Fall to the flames hell the dark angel reigns make

Across the valley pale moon light
A dead soul about to take flight
Cries of anger sadness fight
I am the angel of death darkest hour sight
Guild man to their tunnel of light
I am death’s angel comes in their plight
Vanity’s man downfall right
I am the angel of death
Comes as silent as the night
Try to cheat me when their time is up
They never learn this lesson right
In games of chess they try to fight
When I take their queen in their fright
And checkmate their live in plain sight
Others in five card stud a full hand try
Take them out in their poker face bluff
In a royal flush I take them to be judge
I am the angel of death not love
I walk behind each man light
When time is up light comes night
They come face to face judgment might
I am angel of death your guild this night


On the wings of an angel
I held my breath
On the wings of an angel
I flew the dark clouds ahead
On the wings of an angel
I held her embrace
This dark angel gaze
Satan’s daughter blaze
Born out of flames lust
Born to bled blood
Upon the florescent moon
Our silhouette our lust
On the wings of an angel
Her eyes cold green gaze
Held me in my place
High upon the darken clouds
On the wings of an angel
Into her arms I found
Wrapped me in her dark wings
Blanket of death passion brings
Her serpent fangs gleam
Against the light of the florescent moon
Brings them closer to me
A fatal crimson kiss
I see the moon
It fades away too soon
Hidden behind her wings
I took her hunger in
It burns me within
This passion my dark angel brings
As my mortal soul slowly slips
To oblivion from her blood kisses
The hidden moon breaks away
Reveal in crimson red
As my life bled
Its last droplet of blood
Fills me in a rush
Both fear and ecstasy
She took my lips
I could not resist
On the wings of my angel
Set my soul on fire
Even hell seem so cold
With her last kiss
As if to say goodbye
Her dark wings release
As I fall to earth
I see upon the moonlight
The angel she laughs
Echoes like sweet melody
As I freefall to my faith
If it was only a minute
In a day I spent in her embrace
I am satisfied rather
To go eternity without her
On the wings of my angel
I found my last embrace
I closed my eyes to
Meet the cold hard floor
Of my hell’s door
My body splattered gore
Only a silence breeze
My eyes slowly open
As I float inches
Between my earthen grave
On the wings of my angel
She looks at me
Her crimson fangs bled
As she came to me again
Another kiss to say
I am hers eternally
As the mist shrouded her
She faded and disappear
As the moon sinks
Into its watery grave
I said goodbye
to my last sunrise
Burning touch that sting with warmth
I walk away from my mortal soul
For I stalk for my hunger tonight
And I will tear their souls apart
As I pull the lid over my crypt
Darkness comes with a price
On the wings of the angel
My mortal soul swims aflame
In hell with the princess of lies
On her wings I took flight
Born from her blood lust
Now this curse becomes mine
Till the end of time
I will walk this plane
Seeking humanity destruction
To feed my inner satisfaction
On that faithful night
Upon the florescent moonlight
That bled my blood dry
In passion and lust
On the wings of an angel
I am hers forever
As I died in the arms
Of an angel in flight


Archangel was he, banish for vanity
Morning Star for brightest light be
God’s anger he did awake from man first
In Eden he created from dust birth
In defiance man shall rule the earth
This angel most beautiful by far
From morning star to falling star
Curse to rule hell’s fiery depth
This place his fiery prison kept
On his fiery throne, Archangel’s shame
The forsaken one now named
Satan the devil, serpents raze
In the land this dark angel reign
Torment souls in Dante’s inferno
Desolate and dammed endless flame
Evil man and sinful shall claim
This land where the dark angel reign
Defiance till the end, bring the fall of man
God destroys all save his favorite few send
It’s not fair for he has not killed men
Only lie and inspire to condemn
Put malice and sin in their hearts tempt
But god killed men by water and fire raze
For the reason of man’s defiance raise
Dark angel did claim in his lying gaze
The dark angel prince of lies and fame
Walks in land that man rule not him blame
God to give man to reign and him eternal flame
Now these souls of man he burns and torment
In flames of hell dark angel’s revenge condemn
Man’s dark deeds 7 deadly sins six feet deep
Of gluttony, sloth and envy, Satan will keep
Wraith, lust pride and greed in flames reap
Man last temptation, Adam’s folly, Eve’s vanity lead
Cain ‘s first murderer be, the dark angel handy deed
God’s wraith banishment from heaven skies made
Morning star wings of white he does forsake
Fall to the flames hell the dark angel reigns make


Face of an angel
Hides a secret past
Deep in his heart rest
A childhood memory
The boy with a face of an angel
His smile will melt your heart
His eyes deep and dark
He pulls away with clench fist
When you come too close to kiss
Protecting his torment inside
The boy with a face of an angel
A storm of hell inside
A child abused in anger
By parents that protect
Their child with scars
He carries deep inside
Brought out in the open
By your loving touch
Like his mother’s embrace
His father’s drunken rage
As silent witness sees a violent act
Behind wooden blinds in closet sat
A boy of ten with helpless eyes
That couldn’t help his mother plight
On his mother blood he slipped and fell
In his mother’s arms her last heartbeat felt
With tears the boy cries out for help
In confusion chaos with sirens and cops
The boy with an angel face grows up
Every touch a rage builds up
Every gesture puts him in a corner of fear
He blames himself for the death of his mother
He needs to be free from this psychiatric cage
His breaks out with explosive rage
This boy with a face of an angel
With flames of hell inside
He runs to sanctuary, save from the guilt
Of his mother he help to kill
For this blame is not his, the doctors say
He should not be guilty for this sin
His father life behind bars of guilt
That the son still carries inside still
Now he is safe from his father’s rage
In a church the angels keep him safe
For the girl who love him still bled
On silent crimson floor she laid
He is his father son,
Their rage becomes intertwine
The girl may be dead for sure
For all she did was kiss him
The boy with a face of an angel
Cries among the angels chisel face
Of stone with no emotional rage
He prays for peace within
To be free on angel’s wings
The boy with face of angel
Now between walls of white
He stares silent in to the night
He eyes cold as ice
The boy with face of angel is no more
Only the demons he fights are in his mind
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