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created by notime2live
4.88/10 over 42 votes

While the first six Signs of the Zodiac focus on the individual, the last six focus on the individual's contact with others and with the world. Librans are first and foremost focused on others and how they relate to them. People of this Sign focus on partnership, mainly because they do not like to be alone. For a Libran, everything is better if it's done as a pair. Librans are good when paired up, too, since they epitomize balance, harmony and a sense of fair play. While they are true team players at work their favorite partnership is at home in the institution of marriage. Librans feel most complete when they are coupled up with their lover, forever.

It's the Scales which symbolize Libra and just like that balancing mechanism wants to stay even, Librans want to constantly remain completely neutral and even. Librans are objective, just and want to do what's best for everyone. An ulterior motive for this objective evenness could exist also because Librans loathe conflict. Librans study every possible angle in the hopes of achieving peace and harmony, so much so that others may see them as fickle and indecisive. That is a willing sacrifice they are willing to take if it avoids confrontation. The Libra-born are keen strategists, organizing groups with poise and getting the job done. Further, you can expect the Scales to be companionable, sociable folks.
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